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125+ Cool science sites for kids

Here are  links to a lot of cool science sites for young people. Thanks to Ruta Sevo for getting me hooked on this stuff (hiring me to write about NSF-funded projects to interest girls in science for the National Science Foundation). Where I say H/T to someone, it's a "hat tip" (thank you), usually to a child or parent or teacher for the link to a page that is really useful for science experiments and other school projects.

Entries below are mostly in alphabetical order, except for a few places where items on a particular topic were gathered (in alphabetical order):
Disaster preparedness (earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, etc.)
Engineering activities
Great YouTube learning channels you can subscribe to
Internet safety
Pandemic: COVID-19

Enjoy!  This stuff is great for adults, too (especially those who didn't have good hands-on science education and want to catch up now).




Age of the Dinosaurs (BBC)
All About Birds (Cornell Lab) Bird names, species, location and history, plus bird songs and videos.
All About Paleontology (Wire Fence, UK) Facts, worksheets and other activities for children with which to learn about fossils and paleontology.
ALMA Kids Familiaring kids with astronomy with images, videos, games, and comic strips. ALMA, in Chile, is the world's most powerful astronomical radio telescope.
Amazing Space Learn about planets, galaxies, comets, constellations, deep sky objects, black holes, and more.
Animal Diversity Pictures and information about various animal kingdoms.
Animalcams, several zoos (Earthcam)
---Scientists solve mystery of why thousands of octopus migrate to deep-sea thermal springs (YouTube video, MBARI, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) Scientists solve mystery of why thousands of octopus migrate to deep-sea thermal springs
---"Livecams" African safari
--- Webcams, Smithsonian's National Zoo
--- Webcams, San Diego Zoo
Animals (National Geographic)
Ask a Biologist (Arizona State University)
Ask Dr. Universe (Ask questions and get answers about science, technology, engineering, and math--"STEM.)
Astro4Girls Resources (American Library Association)
Awesome Engineering Activities for Kids Christina Schul (50 projects) Part of a series of STEM / STEAM Projects and Why They Work.
Awesome Kitchen Science Experiments for Kids (50 projects you can eat)
Awesome Physics Experiments for Kids by Erica l Colón (40 projects).
Awesome Robotics Projects for Kids by Bob Katovich
Awesome Science Experiments for Kids by Crystal Chatterton. 100+ fun projects.

BatCon (Bat Conservation Society) Bat facts, photos, pictures, and fascinating bat trivia, such as how to exclude bats from buildings.
Beginner's Guide to Bird Watching (Home Advisor)
The Best Way to Support Inquiry-Based Learning (Shannon McClintock Miller, Kids Discover, 10-4-16).
Beyond ‘Hidden Figures’: Nurturing New Black and Latino Math Whizzes (Amy Harmon, NY Times, 2-17-17) Check out this Week 1 Challenge Problem: Is there a 10-digit number where the first digit is equal to how many 0’s are in the number, the second digit is equal to how many 1’s are in the number, the third digit is equal to how many 2’s are in the number, all the way up to the last digit, which is equal to how many 9’s are in the number?
Bird/Glass Collision Monitoring (City Wildlife's Lights Out DC's Bird/Glass Collision Monitoring Process report) Awareness building about the billion bird deaths a year in the U.S. (and many more injuries) caused by building practices that do not take into account why birds crash into the many glass buildings being built today. (This study focuses on a part of downtown Washington DC where builders of glass buildings seem to be unaware of best practices.) A project of City Wild Life, created to address the need for wildlife rescue and rehabilitation in the District.
The Body and Medicines (Children's University of Manchester). This website on human body systems will help you learn about body systems, types of illness, and good and bad drugs. Take the quizzes and learn what you know and what you don't know.
Boredom Buster: 101 Things to Do When Kids Are Bored (Mark Coster, STEM Toy Expert)
Bottle Rockets and Other Educational Crafts (great ideas for science experiments using bottles) H/T to Ella Alston (who's thinking of making a bottle rocket), for the link.
Bystander Revolution (Take the power out of bullying.

Calculators and conversion tools (some free, some $$)
Car and vehicle science experiments (Title Pro) An unusual collection of experiments which Dakota Lowe alerted me to.
Center for Game Science
Chemistry for Kids: Penny Change Experiment (Bren Did) This two-part chemistry experiment uses a household acid, vinegar, to clean copper pennies.
Chicks in Academia (wonderful activities in these National Science Foundation books on how to engage girls and young women in science and engineering) Would your attitude toward physics have been different if your introduction to it had involved devising a catapult to send the head of a Barbie doll over a castle wall during a mock medieval siege?
Climate change evangelist. Evangelical Christian Katharine Hayhoe tells us how her faith inspires her to spread the word about climate change. (PBS, Nova, The Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers). See also Arguing about climate change (on Writers and Editors website)
Codes and Coding
---Kids and Coding: Resources for Educators (Syracuse University) This website is rich in resources for kids, including a glossary of coding terms, tips for teaching kids how to code, how to teach more than just coding, and kid-friendly coding languages and learning tools.
---CODE Hands-on ways to learn computer science from elementary age through high school.
---Top 5 free coding tools for teens (TeacherVision) from Alice to Vidcode.
---10 places where anyone can learn to code (TEDblog)
---Girls Who Code
---8 reasons why every child should learn to code (Teach Your Kids Code)
Cool Science links (CoolScience.org)
Cooking with Kids (Kookist)
Crossword Solver (Science crossword puzzles and games)
CryptoKids (National Security Agency) For more on cryptocurrency and blockchain:
---Women in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (Andrea Pretorian, BitIRA) Which includes a lot of links to more on the topic, including these:
---Why Aren’t There More Women In Blockchain? (NPR. Science Friday, 3-16-18)
---Women and Blockchain: Why You Should Care (Jen Vento, Gender Avenger, 3-16-18) Rhys Lindmark, co-organizer of the ETHDenver hackathon and host of a blockchain podcast, came across GenderAvenger and reached out to talk about his efforts to make the blockchain community more inclusive.
---What is Crypto Moms? Female-Focused Crypto Education (XBT Network, Everything Crypto, 7-10-18)
---Cryptocurrency, explained--and pros and cons
Curiscope Virtuali-Tee and here's a link to associated resources. (This is a product to facilitate learning about human anatomy; comments on Amazon show enthusiasm for this as a learning tool.)

Dame Stephanie Shirley: Our Women's Company (PBS, Nova, The Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers). Dame Stephanie Shirley breaks through about a million glass ceilings with her digital innovations and her all-female company.
Delights of Chemistry (Dept. of Chemistry, University of Leeds)

Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge (science competition for grades 5-8)
“Junior Disease Detectives: Operation Outbreak” CDC Releases Additional STEM Educational Activities for Teachers to use with the graphic novel. Download or order free copy here.
DoubleXScience the online science magazine/blog for women, bringing science to the woman in you, whoever she is, whatever she does. Categories covered: biology, book reviews, chemistry, health, mental illness, notable women, pregnancy, physics, pregnancy 101, science education, everything else. Here's a sample:The Girls of Atomic City (book review by Chris Gunter) The unbelievable true story of young women during World War II who worked in a secret city dedicated to making fuel for the first atomic bomb—only they didn’t know that.

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(about avalanches, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, poison, floods, flash floods, fires, and weather-related disasters)


---The Complete Guide To Preventing and Surviving Avalanches (Slopehound, 6-11-19)
---Hurricane Basics (Ready.gov, which has similar sits for other types of disaster, including active shooters, drought, explosions, landslides, pandemic, and so on)
---Hurricane Safety Checklists (National Hurricane Survival Initiative)
---Tornado Readiness: Protection from Extreme Wind (National Wind Institute)
---Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country: Your Handbook for the San Francisco Bay Region (U.S. Geological Survey and many partners)
---Earthquake Proof Your Home: How to Prepare Your Home and Property for an Earthquake (InstallItDirect)
---webPoisonControl Poisoned? Get expert help online. Poison Control tells you what to do if you swallow, splash, or get stung by something that might be harmful. Don't guess! Get accurate answers prepared by poison control experts.
---Flood and flash floods (Disaster Center, which has material on other kinds of disaster also).
---Weather and weather-related events
---Fire Safety (KidsHealth)
---Everything You Need to Know to Protect You (And Your Family) from House Fires (Adele Jackson-Gibson, Security Baron)
---SafeStars Resources (sites on child safety, campus safety, first aid and CPR, fire protection, earthquake readiness, flood readiness, hurricane readiness, and so on--not necessarily just for kids)
---Home Fire Escape Plan (Hartford)
---Safe Kids Worldwide (preventing childhood injuries)
---A to Z Guide to Security, Safety and Prevention (Angie's List)
---Disaster Preparedness for Livestock (Florida Department of Agriculture)



Earth and Moon Viewer and Solar System Explorer(John Walker, Fourmilab Switzerland)
Earth’s History: Rocks, Fossils, and Paleontology (Dustin Lemick, Brite.co, 12-12-24)

     H/T Mia and Tracy. The email address on the form bounced, so I thank you here.
Earth and Space Science Resources (Education.com)


Electrical Engineering Experiments for Kids (Ohio University) Ideas for experiments having to do with electricity. (H/T to Mia Gonzalez) See also
Top 6 Engineering Education Resources (STEM Village)
---Engineering Games and Projects from Titlemax.com (Carly Hallman, Titlemax) Scroll down past the explanations of what various types of engineers do to a section of engineering games and projects for all ages. the "Engineering Games for All Ages"). H/T Hannah Miller, who is working on her 'Think Like an Engineer' Badge as part of the STEM series for her Girl Scout troop.
---Cool Engineering Projects (Geek Pack Hack) with sections on How to Create a Robot: Easy RC Puppy; How to Make a Speaker (and How it Works); DIY Valentines That Light Up in 7 Easy Steps!; How to Make a Radio: Amplify an AM “Crystal” Radio; DIY Christmas Ornament for Kids: Talking Santa!; How to Make an Alarm Triggered by Nearby Objects; How to Use a Breadboard: Make a Circuit Game; Easy STEM Project: Crazy electromagnet doorbell; Homemade Toy Car: Turbo-charged Lego car; How to Make an Electrical Circuit.
---Hands on Engineering STEM Projects for Kids and Students (Instructables Living) Make Helicopters, catapults, bridges and more.
---Engineer Girl
---12 Brilliant DIY Engineering Projects for Kids (Agnes Hsu, Hello Wonderful, 6-14-15)
---A Digital List: Helpful Engineering Games (Andy Darnley, Elevators.com)
•  Awesome Engineering Activities for Kids Christina Schul (50 projects) Part of a series of STEM/ STEAM Projects and Why They Work. (STEM Village)
---Edheads Games that let your student jump into the life of an engineer, including Design a Cellphone, Simple and Compound Machines, games about robotics and manufacturing.
---Try Engineering
---Wonderville A unique digital ecosystem with 70+ STEM games, including Airborne Experiment, Build a Tipi, You Bet Your Hide, Crash Test: Power Shootout. (For members only.)
---CodeGoat Where kids learn to code.
• National Geographic classroom activities such as GeoChallenge Explorer Classroom Mapping Resources Challenge: Robots! (engineering and robotics) Plan It Green: The Big Switch Educator Guide (using game play for middle school students to build an energy efficient city and explore energy topics) National Geographic Resource Library
• Wallace and Gromit Games: The Big Fixup, Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, and Shaun the Sheep’s compelling platform puzzle game, Home Sheep Home remastered for Nintendo Switch. Plus Sprocket Rocket and Invention Suspension.
• PBS Learning Media (geared to your local PBS station) Videos, interactives, lesson plans. Building Big Design Squad (including The Design Process in Action and many others. (Search STEM resources)
5 Tips to Introduce Engineering to Your Child (STEM Village blog)
Running an Engineering Design Challenge - 5 Tips to to Get Anyone Started (STEM Village blog)

Energy Companies Are Big Backers of STEM Education (Aaron Shrank, Wyoming Public Media, 2-27-15). This lively segment about hands-on activities in the classroom made me aware of Project Lead the Way, a leading U.S. provider of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs, thru K-12 curriculum. See, for example, Project Gateway, which provides engineering and biomedical science curriculum for middle school students -- rigorous and relevant experiences through activity-, project-, and problem-based learning.
Environmental Topics (Environmental Protection Agency, EPA) on EPA's Environmental Kids Club
The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book by Tom Robinson. Boil ice, float water, measure gravity--challenge the world around you.
Exploratorium (San Francisco-based website packed with apps, interactive activities, videos, etc.--search by topic (astronomy, chemistry, human anatomy, etc.)
Extreme Science (the biggest, baddest, and best in the world of extremes--world records, wild, weird, and out-there facts, resources for science fair projects.

Fact-checking sites (Writers and Editors)
Fake news and (dis)(mis)information (Writers and Editors)
Farmer's Almanac for Kids. For example, Idenify animal tracks.
15 Fun Educational Activities for Kids (Wondermom Wannabe)
15 Movies and 15 TV Shows for STEM Students (Octane Seating)
50 Math Lesson Plans and Resources for all Ages (Forever Curious, curating the best educational resources on the Web)
Find a Conference (Expanding Your Horizons Network, dedicated to providing gateway STEM experiences to middle and high school girls that spark interest in STEM activities and careers).
The Five Senses (Perfume.com) Thanks for the link, Kennedy.
55 Easy Science Experiments Using Materials You Already Have On Hand (Jill Staake, We Are Teachers, 3-31-21) Because science doesn’t have to be complicated.
40 Cool Science Experiments on the Web (Scholastic 100) Use videos of science experiments to teach basic concepts and spark students’ interest in science. Grades Pre-K to 8.
• Fossil Guy: Dunkleosteus - The Giant Armored Placoderm
Fossil Guy: Your Guide to Fossil Hunting and Paleontology (look for fossil identification sheets). Explore the site for things like Fossil hunting sites and Gallery of Prehistoric Animals.
From Maker to Make-HER: STEM Exploration for Girls (Amy Carlton, American Libraries, 6-29-15) on LadyMaker workshops. See also: Make-HER (STEM exploration for mothers and daughters, at Sunnyvale Library) and Things to try at home.

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Galileo: Journey to Jupiter This NASA site from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory describes the journey of space probe Galileo, which explored the planet Jupiter.
Gender Bias Calculator for Reference Letters (Thomas Forth, UK), based on this scientific paper (A Linguistic Comparison of Letters of Recommendation for Male and Female Chemistry and Biochemistry Job Applicants, which shows that people writing letters of recommendation used significantly more standout adjectives to describe male candidates than to describe female candidates.
GeoGuesser (a geography game that takes you on a journey around the world and challenges your ability to recognize your surroundings)
Getting the numbers right (about data and statistics -- one section of Science and Medical Writing (Writers and Editors site)
Girl Scouts, for Girls. Used to be "Go Tech" -- don't know how much tech is left.
Girls Who Code
Great search links (Writers and Editors)
Great websites for kids (American Library Association)
Great websites for kids in the sciences
Great websites for kids in mathematics & computers.

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Health Guide to the Human Body for Kids (hosted by Gentle Dental! anrecommended by the kids in Mrs. Gold's class)
• Hello, Wonderful: 6 Ways Kids Can Play with 3D Printing Now and 9 Stem Boys That Make Science Fun (Agnes Hsu) And explore the rest of Hello, Wonderful's site.
A Home Guide to Kitchen Science Experiments (Designer Appliances--thanks to Joan Ward's science students for this link)
Home Science Experiments – The Ultimate Guide (William Roby, Coupon Jubilee, 3-25-15)
How a new alphabet is helping an ancient people write its own future (Deborah Bach, Microsoft Story Labs) Two young brothers in Guinea developed an alphabet for their native language, Fulfulde, which had been spoken by millions of people for centuries but never had its own writing system. The writing system, which became known as ADLaM, acronym that translates to 'the alphabet that will prevent a people from being lost.' Microsoft worked with designers to develop a font for Windows and Office called Ebrima that supports ADLaM and several other African writing systems.
How Stuff Works (fabulous site, loaded with articles that answer questions you might not even have thought to ask)
How to check out hoaxes, rumors, urban legends, chain letters, and scams
How to Identify Effective STEM Activities for Children (Online Graduate Programs, Baylor University, 11-15-19)
How to Make a Simple Motor at Home (Edson Farnell, Parts Geek, Understanding Motors) How to make a small motor from common household materials, with references to several reputable sources. (Thanks to Bill Jackson's student Jason.) See also Simple Electric Motors, Stripped Down Motor (Exploratorium -- as simple as a motor gets), and Build a Simple Electric Motor! (Science Buddies)
How to spot and identify fake news (Writers and Editors site)
Hubble Site View photographs of stars and galaxies, and learn about this remarkable telescope.
Human Anatomy (PhysicalTherapists.com, suggested by Kendal). The body, as only a physical therapist could so helpfully explain its parts.
Human Anatomy Lesson Plans and Review Guides (from US Insurance Agents, H/T to science teacher Keri Evans)
The Human Body – An Anatomy Guide for Kids and Adults (SafeStars, suggested by teacher Sandra Beals). Explains the main systems of the human body -- the cardiovascular/circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune/lymphatic, integumentary, muscular, nervous, respiratory, reproductive, skeletal, urinary, systems.


I'm Wired for Science by Shannon McClintock, Parade Magazine via AAS, June 2005). Fifteen-year-old Shannon McClintock of San Diego, who built arches and ramps with square blocks when she was four, then lost interest in science in middle school. A science fair project (The Little Engine That Could) got her interested again, she started entering and winning competitions, and in 2004 won the grand prize in the Discovery Channel's sixth annual Young Scientist Challenge.
Interesting Nonfiction for Kids (I.N.K.). Not just science.


Internet Safety

---Kids’ Rules for Online Safety (SafeKids.com)
---10 Internet Safety Tips for Kids (McGruff Safe Kids)
---Internet Protection – Computer Safety for Kids & Teens (Norton Security) How to avoid online predators, how to protect personal information, do's & don'ts of social media, avoid giving away personal information, etc. Scroll down for more very useful links.
---Internet Safety for Kids: 17 Cyber Safety Experts Share Tips for Keeping Children Safe Online (Safety.com)
---Fighting Online Predators:Tips for Parents, Children and Teens (Child Refuge)
---The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Child Online (vpnMentor)
---Internet Safety 101 (geared to parents, but also useful to kids). Internet dangers include cyberbullying, pornography, predators and sex trafficking, internet viruses.
---Acronyms Parents Should Know
--- Enough Is Enough (making the Internet safe for children and famililes--resources for parents)
---17 rules to protect my child online (Broadband Search)
---The Concerned Parent’s Toolbox – 120 Tools and Tricks to Protect Your Kids (BackgroundChecks.org) Resources on Internet safety, including sections on "Educational Sites for Net Smart Kids" and cyberbullying and antibullying resources.

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JetPunk. Timed quizzes on gazillion topics ("world's best quizzes"), including
---Computer nerd acronyms quiz
---Name the Elements Quiz
---Name the Planets Quiz
---Countries of the World
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Cal Tech) Launch rockets, build robots, explore your world and beyond--projects, toolkit and contests to take you into space without ever leaving Earth.
Journey North for Kids Engaging stories, photos, videos, and slide shows from the natural world.

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Kavli Awards for Children's Science News Fascinating articles about science.
Kids.gov (a safe place to learn and play, with sections for kids grade K-5 and teens grades 6-8, and for teachers and parents)
Kitchen Pantry Scientists by Liz Lee Heinecke. Three books about scientists in each field, with step-by-step photo-illustrated experiments based on each scientist's work. 
---The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Chemistry for Kids (Grades 3 to 5)
---The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids (Grades 2 to 5)
---The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Physics for Kids Grades 1 to 7) Balancing two intertwined forks on a toothpick resting on the edge of a glass helps kids understand Isaac Newton's concept of gravity.
Kitchen Safety, A Family Guide (for adults, but focused on kids)
Knowledge: Kids Free, fun, educational programming and games from Canadian public television (such as Shaun the Sheep and Wild Kratts)


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Lab TV (YouTube) has filmed hundreds of medical researchers at dozens of institutions across the United States, including dozens at the National Institutes of Health.
Learn. Genetics (The Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah) Explore genetics, evolution, cell biology, human health, neuroscience, plants, ecology, and science tools.
Lego STEM activities for a pre-schooler (Dave Pedley, YourCub)


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Maker Ed projects & learning approaches

MakerSpace Tool Lending Library (College of San Mateo Library) Explore this site for items like UFO Solar Balloon: A How-To (video).

Maploco Check the states (or countries) you've visited and Maploco generates a map showing where you've been.
Maths Chase (a simple game helps children learn their times tables)
Mrs. Anderson's Science Class (Wikispaces, DNSscience). This link is for 6th grade. Mrs. Anderson is brilliant.
--- 7th grade
--- 8th grade See especially The Price of Butter Depends on the Number of Old Maids

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NASA for Students
National Aquarium in Baltimore Live exhibit cameras, plus at-home activities.
National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute (Smithsonian, Washington DC) Animal cams stream live 24/7, plus activities to do at home.
News for Kids Real news, told simply.
NOVA (the website for PBS's popular science). Search topics for articles and videos on military + espionage, space + flight, physics + math, body + brain, Planet Earth, tech +engineering, nature, evolution, and ancient worlds.
A Nurse's Guide to the Human Body (Regis College). Fabulous site for any age, with links to further sites--thanks to Ms. Graves' students for the link!

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Ocean Portal (Smithsonian Natural Museum of Natural History). Find your blue. Check out Educators' Corner.
Ology American Museum of Natural History science site for kids. ("Ology" means "the science of")
Online science games (a great online collection from Heartland America) (H/T Dakota Taylor)

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Pandemic: Covid-19

Frankly, many of these coronavirus materials are geared to adults, including those suddenly thrown into home schooling by the pandemic, but smart kids may also find them useful.

---Coronavirus, children, and families (part of a full page on COVID-19)
---Pandemic: The Big Picture (overview on a page with many subsections: Coronavirus: the good, the bad, and the practical
---Coronavirus Lesson Plans and Resources (Share My Lesson, "by educators, for educators") A treasurehouse of resources.
---Reliable souces of information about COVID-19
---Coronavirus, education (including home schooling), and school reopenings
---Basic health and welfare information about COVID-19
---350 free K-12 resources during coronavirus pandemic (Chris Burt, District Administration, 10-1-2020)
---Epidemiology: Solve the Outbreak(a middle school science lesson for students on the field of epidemiology and the dissemination of diseases)
---Pandemic Lesson Plan (Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience)
---History of Vaccines timeline (College of Physicians of Philadelphia) See also Wikipedia's entry on Antiviral drugs
---Explaining Pandemics, Treatments, and Cures to Children (KinderCare)
---Best Instructional Videos: Pandemics Through the Years (Education World)
---Teaching kids to read during the coronavirus pandemic: 5 questions answered<(Keisha McIntosh Allen and Kindel Turner Nash, The Conversation, 9-25-2020)
---Back to school in a pandemic: A guide to all the factors keeping parents and educators up at night (Jessica Lahey and Tim Lahey, Washington Post, 8-5-2020) See also WaPo's Daily Updates..
---Kids are becoming the teachers during the pandemic. (Scott Elder, National Geographic, 6-8-2020) Parents can learn a lot from their children—if they know what they look for.
---How I'm Teaching My Kids Not To Fear Everything During A Pandemic (Koketso Moeti, Goats and Soda, NPR, 6-20-2020) A parent's story, plus more links from National Public Radio.
---How the Pandemic Can Teach Kids About Compassion(Maryam Abdullah, Greater Good, 6-29-2020) What if this crisis became an opportunity for children to deepen their sense of care?
---23 Pandemic vs Epidemic Lessons and Activities for Kids (Pinterest)
---What Is Freedom? Teaching Kids Philosophy in a Pandemic (Richard Schiffman, NY Times, 6-25-2020) Thinking about big questions empowers children to feel more confident about the value of their own ideas, teachers say.
---Some parents forming ‘pandemic pods’ to teach their kids (CNN/NBC, 8-3-2020)
---The lessons we should really be teaching kids in the pandemic(Courtney E. Martin, Vox, 4-22-2020) Give up the rigorous homeschooling. There has never been a better time for simple lessons about inequity.
---Teaching People’s History in the Pandemic (Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History). "People's History," explained: "A people’s history flips the script. When we look at history from the standpoint of the workers and not just the owners, the soldiers and not just the generals, the invaded and not just the invaders, we can begin to see society more fully, more accurately."

PBS Kids Games and videos based on your favorite PBS Kids shows.

• Periodic Table of Elements contains more than 25 scientific truths about each element including density, state, atomic radius, etc.
Plum Landing (PBS Kids) A cross-platform digital adventure designed to engage children in environmental science topics.
Pop ClockA daily update of the U.S. population by the U.S. Census Bureau: U.S. and World Population Clock.

Quarked An introduction to particle physics through videos and online games (ages 7-12)


Rad Town Learn about sources and uses of radiation found in everyday life on this EPA-designed site.
Rebel Girls . Activities and website an outgrowth of the success of the bestselling Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (bedtime stories about the life of 100 extraordinary women)
Remote-STEM Learning Resource Guide for K-12 Students, Parents, and Educators (ScreencastOMatic) Links to online self-learning platforms (EdX, Khan Academy, etc.), lesson plans, and other tools.
A Resource Guide to Child Kitchen Safety (Kookist)
Rock Collecting (Home Hobbies, Home Advisor--recommended by Amy Ashford's class at Kingston Schools)
Rubber, Plastic and More - Top Science Project Ideas(Polymer-Search)


Sally Ride Science Festivals)
San Diego Zoo Take a virtual trip to the San Diego Zoo. Videos, stories, activities, games.
Science Bob Stuck at home? Experiment time!
Science Buddies (hands-on science activities for home and school--find a science fair project)
Science Experiments Around the Home (Household Quotes, UK) H/T to Jeremy.
ScienceNetLinks Afterschool Resources (Geyser Riser and other experiments and activities -- plus many lessons, tools, explanations, and themed collections, for K-12 teachers and students)
ScienceNews for Students A free online magazine bringing high-quality science journalism to kids ages 9-14.
Science of Baseball (Exploratorium) Read fun facts, play games, and try some cool experiments.
Science Storytellers Connecting kids and scientists through conversations and storytelling.
SciGirls (PBS) Videos, games, profiles.
SciJinks It's all about weather.
Sci/Why for Kids (Canadian children's writers discuss science, words, and the eternal question - why?)
Sea World Animal cams, animal facts, teacher’s guides, quizzes, activities.
The Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers (NOVA, Facebook page, with links to many stories.
See Microbes with this DIY Phone Microscope (YouTube video, Gross Science, PBS, 1-4-16) See the tiny creatures living in a pond or puddle using your smartphone, poster tack, and a laser pointer.
The Siemens Competition in Math, Science, and Technology
Smithsonian for Students (a place to explore, discover, and learn -- about everything art, science & nature, history & culture, people & places)
Snow Crystals All about snow crystals and snowflakes--what they are, where they come from, and how these remarkably complex and beautiful structures are created out of thin air.
Solar Experiments for Kids (Blinds Chalet, which also has other projects, including garden projects) H/T Alex Carr
Sun and Solar Experiments for Kids (LGCY Power)
Spatulatta Cooking for kids.
Star Maps (Maryland Science Center)
STEM Movies and TV Shows (Octane Seating) To supplement learning at home--for example, the film "Hidden Figures."
STEMWorks (more activities for kids)
Storm Spotting for Children: At-Home Meteorology (Redfin) and How to Prepare for a Winter Storm (Angie's List)
SuperScience Game Archive (Scholastic)
SuperScience Magazine (Scholastic, subscriptions for classrooms) Connects to the real world with captivating articles and hands-on activities.
Switch Zoo Animal games and puzzles at a virtual zoo

Teaching Math and Computer Science to Kids with Special Needs (Alexandra, BitIRA) Buried within links in "contents" are lots of activities useful at various ages.
Tiny Scientists (Maryland Science Center) From pint-sized Science At Home activities to Itsy Bitsy Sing Alongs, a variety of activities to keep a little one’s mind intrigued and engaged.
Top Children's Books on the Environment (A Mighty Girl)
• Top Environmental Movies (A Mighty Girl)
Tsunami! Everything you want to know about tsunamis (giant tidal waves).
Tumble: A science podcast for kids, to be enjoyed by the entire family. They tell stories about science discoveries, with the help of scientists! Lindsay and Marshall tell stories about science discoveries, with the help of scientists, ask questions, share mysteries, and share what science is all about.
20 Fall Activities for Preschoolers (Sarah Poirier, Smart Parent Advice, 11-19-2020) Each link goes to a different source.


Ultimate List of Volcano Teaching Resources (Hawaiian Shirts Online UK) Filtered by age range and type of activity, from another unlikely source.
The Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids: 239 Cool Sites About Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (DS Examiner, Master's in Data Science, 7-14-14) Tons of resources: Cool STEM websites, challenges and contests, awards, science and math games and apps, STEM camps, career resources, government and philanthropic STEM initiatives -- for elementary, middle, and high school levels.


V • Virtual STEM Resources For High School Students (Fiveable)


Walking with Dinosaurs (BBC) Interesting facts, images and statistics on particular dinosaurs.
Website Planet's Empowering Guide for Women in Tech (Jennifer Gregory in 2023)
Weird and wonderful booklist for kids (Kelly Milner Halls, I.N.K., a Canadian site). And here's their list of recommended nonfiction for kids
What Really Causes Cavities? (Gross Science, YouTube video, Kavli Science Journalism Awards, 1-25-16)
Why Files The science behind the news (archive, National Institute for Science Education)
Why Janie Can't Engineer: Raising Girls to Succeed by Pat McNees (originally published in Washington Post, 1-6-04). With links to cool hands-on science sites.
Why so few women work in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)--and what can be done to change that (Pat McNees, links to articles on the subject).
Wildlife Conservation Society At the Bronx (N.Y.) Zoo.
Wildlife Teaching Resources for Children (Buy Rope) Explore the categories, from an unexpected source.
Women and STEM: Title X at 45 (PDF, National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education, 2017) Preparing for a technology-driven economy. See also this chapter from Title X at 40.
Women in Astronomy (blog, AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy) Resource Guide for Websites for Women in STEM (with an emphasis on Astronomy)
Women in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (Andrea Pretorian, BitIRA) Which includes many links to more on the topic.
• ***Women in STEM Resources Sarah Rugheimer's repository of peer-reviewed research and resources discussing the challenges facing white women and men and women of color in science.
Women-Related Web Sites in Science/Technology
Wonderville Games, videos and activities to make science fun.
Word Games (Wise Old Sayings)
World clocks and perpetual calendars, time converters (Great search links, Writers and Editors site)
WOW Science (UK) Searching out the best primary science activities.

Q&A with Heather Buschman about how to be a science writer (Nicole Mlynaryk, STEM Job Talk, 10-6-2020) See more profiles here.
How to become a science writer (Writers and Editors site)
Science and medical writing (Writers and Editors site)
How not to misread or misreport research reports (Writers and Editors)
Covering Coronavirus: Resources for journalists
Reliable resources about COVID-19 (Coronavirus: The good, the bad, and the practical)

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YouTube Learning Channels
7 Female Science YouTubers That Are Breaking STEM Glass Ceilings (Interesting Engineering) Shows hosted by women cover everything you have ever wanted to know about the science world.
When Kids Dream of Scientists The number of kids who drew female scientists jumped to 58%.
Physics Girls (a YouTube channel) These Children Are Making Millions on YouTube (R.T. Watson, Wall Street Journal, 11-26-22) “Vlad and Niki,” “Like Nastya” and “Kids Diana Show” are the three most popular live-action YouTube kids channels in the world, with nearly 300 million YouTube subscribers between them. ‘Kids feel that Vlad and Niki are their friends,’ says their mother, Victoria Vashketov, far left. Their YouTube channel has about 90 million subscribers.Their massive audience of fellow kids can’t get enough.


Zero Knowledge Proof: Computer Scientist Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty (Video, Wired, 1-18-22) Computer scientist Amit Sahai, PhD, is asked to explain the concept of zero-knowledge proofs to 5 different people; a child, a teen, a college student, a grad student, and an expert. Using a variety of techniques, Amit breaks down what zero-knowledge proofs are and why it's so exciting in the world of cryptography. (Interesting example of one way this could be used: to prove an election was conducted honestly.)

YouTube learning channels you can
subscribe to

Above the Noise (PBS, takes a deeper look at the research and facts behind controversial and trending topics in the news)
American Museum of Natural History
Animal Wonders Montana (Meet Jelly the leopard gecko and other critters)
AsapSCIENCE (The Science Love Song, Your Brain on Drugs, and other weekly science videos)
The Backyard Scientist (pouring molten aluminum in a watermelon and other hands-on science)
BBC Earth (Our Blue Earth, Planet Dinosaur, and other clips from BBC's natural history catalog)
BitWit (How not to build a PC and other tech tips)
Braincraft (psychology and neuroscience, such as How LEGO Helps Blind People See)
The Brain Scoop (a fossil arachnid penis and other curiosities from the Field Museum in Chicago)
Brave Wilderness (stung by a tarantula hawk and other wildlife videos)
Colin Furze (inventions with the British inventor)
Crash Course Kids (fifth grade science)
Curious Droid (space, technology, and Paul Shillito's loud shirts)
Deep Look (PBS, KQED, explore big scientific mysteries by going incredibly small)
Epic History TV (Napoleon, Suez Crisis, Alexander the Great -- brought to life with animation, maps, and storytelling)
Extra Credits (Because Games Matter)
Great Big Story (cinematic storytelling and news reports from around the world)
Gross Science (what happens when you get rabies and other bizarre stories from the slimy, smelly, creepy world of science--NOVA, WGBH for PBS Digital Studios)
It's Okay To Be Smart (Joe Hansen on all kinds of science)
The King of Random (projects, experiments, lifehacks, and mad science)
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell (string theory, egoistic altruism, optimistic nihilism and the like)
Life Noggin (What If The Earth Were Twice As Big? and other animated videos)
MinuteEarth (Why Do Rivers Curve and other explainers)
MinutePhysics (Why is the Solar System flat and other physics explainers)
Nat Geo WILD (all about animals from National Geographic)
Natural History Museum (toxic tactics of the platypus and other favorites)
Neuro Transmissions (It's not rocket surgery. It's brain science!)
Origin of Everything (Danielle Bainbridge on where everything comes from)
PBS Idea Channel (examines the connections between pop culture, technology and art--
Physics Girl (Physics videos for every atom and eve, from Dianna Cowern)
Sally Le Page (science videos that make you laugh, make you feel and make you think)
Science Museum (from the Science Museum's world-class collection of videos)
SciShow (more great explainers)
Seeker (Space and science. What does a black hole look like?)
Sick Science (cool experiments you can do at home)
Simple History (history, animated)
TED-Ed (animated TED talks, lessons worth sharing)
Today I Found Out (the surprisingly recent invention of the T-shirt and other "brain food for hungry minds")
Veritasium (science and engineering videos featuring experiments, expert interviews, cool demos, and discussions with the public about everything science)
Vintage Space (Amy Shira Teitel on space history)

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